Who We Are

The Veritas team is comprised of two friends who, by sheer happenstance ended up assisting a family with a missing persons case in the summer of 2022. Since then we've decided to pool our collective skillsets and pursue cases that we feel have gone underexposed or cold. For us, finding answers for those in need in an ethical and personable manner is the utmost priority. 

Core Principles


We believe information is power and the truth will set you free. We will do everything in our power to obtain truth you seek. 



We operate under the strictest confidentiality, no matter the situation. We believe our true worth is doing the right things when no one else is watching.  



Our end goal it to find your "missing piece". We hope we can also assist in providing  answers that give peace of mind. 


Our team

Jordan Taylor

Director/Lead Investigator

Born and raised in Indiana Jordan brings 10 years law enforcement experience, training and know-how to the table, paired with an education in US law, and credited in several investigative journalism publications as a research assistant.

Jessica Alihodzic

Research Assistant

Jessica hails from Kentucky, and has extensive experience in researching crime cases, including several well-known major cold cases. She also provides research assistance  in Gedmatch, 23andme and Ancestry's genealogy databases.

All rights reserved. Veritas Investigative Services


© 2023